Turbo Energy Private Limited Abi Showatech India P Ltd
It is classified as non govt company and is registered at registrar of companies chennai.
Turbo energy private limited abi showatech india p ltd. Abi showatech india limited is a public incorporated on 18 december 1991. Turbo energy private limited s operating revenues range is over inr 500 cr for the financial year ending on 31 march. Turbo energy private limited tel was incorporated on 3rd may 1982 as a joint venture between brakes india private limited sundram finance private limited and borgwarner turbo system formerly known as kkk germany the company is engaged in manufacture of turbochargers as well as parts of turbocharger. The current status of turbo energy private limited is active.
The current status of abi showatech india private limited is active. Turbo energy ltd tel is a leading turbocharger manufacturer in india engaged in manufacturing turbocharging systems air management charging engine boosting systems catering to the requirements of the internal combustion engine industry. Turbo energy private limited tel was incorporated on 3rd may 1982 as a joint venture between brakes india private limited sundram finance private limited and borgwarner turbo system formerly known as kkk germany. In addition abi s foundry has unique capabilities such as hip hot isostatic processing for both aluminium and super alloys heat treatment and gom inspection.
Tel is a pioneer and the largest manufacturer of turbochargers in india. The company is engaged in manufacture of turbochargers as well as parts of turbocharger. Abi showatech india private limited s operating revenues range is over inr 500 cr for the financial year ending on 31. It is classified as non govt company and is registered at registrar of companies chennai.
Its authorized share capital is rs. With over 60 market share the company achieved a gross sales turnover of inr 12 190 million in fy17 18. Turbo energy private limited has six directors thiruvallur thattai srinivasaraghavan srinivasan ravindran and others. The engineering r d centre which was established in 1985 is recognized by the department of scientific and industrial research government of india.
Abi showatech india limited turbo energy private limited tel was incorporated on 3rd may 1982 as a joint venture between brakes india private limited sundram finance private limited and borgwarner turbo system formerly known as kkk germany. Its authorized share capital is rs. 170 000 000 and its paid up capital is rs. Abi showatech india private limited has five directors srinivasan ravindran seenapaia kesavan and others.